Wow, that went fast! I can't believe class is already over! it was a whirlwind, but I can definitely say I learned a lot. I considered myself pretty savvy about social media at the beginning of the semester, but throughout the course of the class I started looking at a few things in a new light.
For one thing, I did quite a few things this summer that I'd never tried before. I made a podcast! I blogged! Neither of those things seemed as daunting once I actually sat down and did them. I might even start and keep up a personal blog now that I know how easy it is. I will also definitely keep up with my personal reading database over on LibraryThing. So much fun, and so easy!
The other thing I'd never really done before this class was to use facebook for "professional" reasons. For the first time since joining Facebook, I really took advantage of their tools, such as privacy settings and dividing my friends into groups. i think what this taught me is that I don't have to be so leery of adding colleagues. It turns out to be pretty simple to keep work/school things separate from purely social things. And there's more overlap there than I might have thought!
Moving forward, I think I'll get more out of Facebook now that I know more about how to really use it to my advantage. And, like I said above, I'll keep up with LibraryThing and maybe even blogging!
This has been a great semester, and a class I really enjoyed. I really liked our Facebook page where we could all post and discuss things either directly related to this class, or library topics in general. Thanks everyone for making this a fun, enjoyable and informative class!